Category Archives: What?

What is the Equity Release Compound Interest Formula?

Understanding the Equity Release Compound Interest Formula

Equity release can offer a flexible solution for many people to deal with their financial difficulties by accessing the equity built into their home; but it is important to remember that releasing equity from your home is a potentially life changing decision.

Depending on what type of equity release plan you opt for, you either lose ownership of a part, or all of your home, or have a lifelong mortgage secured on your property. Home equity schemes are not for the faint hearted and thorough research and professional advice is key to success.

In the case of roll-up equity release schemes, the interest on the lifetime mortgage keeps on compounding, and the final amount can often end up being so large as to erode all the equity in your home, leaving nothing for your beneficiaries.

Protection from ongoing compounding interest

However, the good news is that all equity release mortgages recommended by any authorised equity release adviser should come with ‘no negative equity guarantees‘. This ensures that the value of the equity release mortgage can never be more than the value of the property, period. This also provides protection for the plan-holders beneficiaries in that they themselves can never end up owing anything to the lender themselves.

In order to calculate whether this situation would ever arise you need access to an equity release compound interest calculator which can help you understand how much the interest on your mortgage could compound to over a certain term.

The viability of an equity release plan from the perspective of the lender, depends on what plan it is. For instance, in the case of an interest only lifetime mortgage, the shorter the term of the loan, the fewer the risks for the lender. But in the case of a roll up lifetime mortgage, the longer the term of the loan, the more interest compounds and the more profitable it becomes for the lender.

Equity release compound interestarises when the interest payable on the equity release loan amount is added to the loan amount itself, and interest is then payable on this combined figure, and so on and so forth. This way, the interest accrues interest on itself, and goes on compounding.

This compounding of equity release interest can quickly result in a large debt, and often this is the reason why many people with roll-up lifetime mortgages could have potentially been left with a negative equity on their loan. However, the no negative equity guarantee fortunately prevents this from ever arising.

Compound interest calculator tools

Without this it could have meant that far from being able to protect some of the equity in their home, they could have not only lost all the equity, but actually ended up owing money to the lender! An equity release compound interest calculator gives you a way to know exactly how much your loan balance will be every year. The calculator uses a simple formula to calculate the compounding interest on the loan amount and uses this to predict how much the amount will have grown to be after a certain period. This can help you plan ahead and get a better understanding of your finances and how much you’re likely to owe the lender after a certain number of years.

It is possible to set up a compound interest calculator on your own computer using software programmes such as MS Excel or Google Spread sheet. It is also possible to use an equity release compound interest calculator available on the internet.

Alternatively, if you would like more help with calculating the compound interest potentially payable on your mortgage, you can seek advice from an independent equity release adviser. They can always request a Key Facts Illustration from an equity release provider of your choice, where the year-on-year figures showing the compounding effect of the interest will be shown.


What is an Equity Release Eligibility Calculator?

What is an Equity Release Eligibility Calculator?

As equity release has become more and more popular in recent times and the interest in equity release plans has increased, new tools are emerging to help users make sense of whether people meet the eligibility test to meet the wide variety of equity release plans available. Every bit of help is needed when trying to find the best equity release plan that could suit them and the first port of call would be to establish eligibility.

Equity release is a potentially life changing financial concept, so it is always best to seek advice from a qualified independent equity release adviser. But before you do that, let’s look at the many convenient tools that could help you negotiate your way around the world of equity release schemes.

There are two main types of equity release plans: lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans. Different plans have different eligibility criteria and terms of lending. An equity release eligibility calculator is an application that, based on the information you provide, can quickly work out whether you are eligible to apply for a certain equity release plan.

For instance, a lifetime mortgage eligibility calculator can help you understand if you are eligible to apply for a lifetime mortgage, and if so, the maximum amount you could potentially release from your home. Eligibility for a lifetime mortgage is based on the applicant’s age and property value. The longer the term of the loan, the more the value would need to be. The shorter the expected term, the lower the value of the property can be. Therefore, in general, the younger the applicant, the higher the property value will need to be.

Who offers an equity release eligibility calculator?

Let’s look at the Aviva lifetime mortgage as an example. The minimum age to apply for this is 55 years, and the minimum property valuation is £75,000. Aviva’s lifetime mortgage eligibility calculator requires the user to enter their age, the value of the property, whether it is a single or joint application, certain details about the property, and whether you want to set any percentage of the equity as an inheritance.

Based on these details the eligibility calculator can tell you not only if you are eligible to apply for this lifetime mortgage but it also works as an equity release calculator and can tell you the maximum amount you could release through a lifetime mortgage. An equity release eligibility calculator is therefore simply a quick and convenient way to find out if you qualify to apply for a certain equity release scheme, and if so, how much you could potentially release.

Another equity release eligibility calculator is offered by another of the prominent equity release companies – Hodge Lifetime. They provide an equity release eligibility calculation to provide information on whether they could qualify for any of the Hodge Lifetime flexible lifetime mortgage products. Additionally, the calculator will provide not only the amount one can borrow, but also what the future balance is likely to be. This is ideal if you wish to see the effect the compounding yearly interest will have on your inheritance when the house is eventually sold.

For a free check to establish eligibility for any of the current range of equity release schemes from the whole of the market, call Freephone 0800 471 4796.


What Are Your Top Key Retirement Solutions?

The Top 18 Equity Release Key Retirement Solutions

As people live for longer and the cost of living increases, it is becoming more and more common for retirees to have financial difficulties during old age. However, a lot of these issues actually arose many years prior to this event, blatantly due to lack of financial planning prior to retirement.

As such, financial planning during retirement has become more important than ever before as managing on a limited budget, fault or no fault of one’s own is a harsh reality for many baby boomers. Therefore, an increasing number of people are looking for flexible ways to get the best value from their existing financial assets in order to address this retirement issue.

The rising popularity of equity release schemes illustrate how much of a growing problem financial insecurity is for many people in retirement. These type of home equity loans offer exactly this type of key retirement solutions many people seek as they usually have no effect on their monthly outgoings.

Let’s look at some of the most significant facts surrounding an equity release mortgage:

  1. Equity release plans allow you to release some of the equity built into your home as usable cash. Both home reversion & lifetime mortgages allow you to do this without the need to sell the house or move out. So, even as you use some of the value of your property, you can continue to live in the house until the end of life, or until you move into a long-term care home
  2. There are two main types of equity release plans – lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans. Lifetime mortgages are like regular mortgages, but only available to people over the age of 55, and have no fixed term. They allow you to release a lump sum of equity from your property which even then remains 100% in your own name. There are usually no monthly payments and the interest charged is added to loan & compounds on a monthly or annual basis. This differs from a home reversion plan where you actually sell a percentage of the property to the reversion provider. In return they provide a tax-free lump sum & a lifetime tenancy agreement is made. Both mortgages will then run on until the end of life, or until you move into care. Most lenders provide a window of 12 months to then sell the property so that the equity release mortgage can be paid off.
  3. A home equity loan calculator can be useful to find out how much equity will be built into your home after a certain period of time. A home equity loan calculator can be useful in a variety of scenarios and is available on a number of financial, comparison and advice websites. A home equity loan calculator is not the same as an equity release calculator and is designed to give you a slightly different information calculus.
  4. A home equity calculator will need some basic information about your property, including the current value of the property, its location, and the yearly rise and fall in the property, in order to work out the equity built into your home. A home equity calculator is therefore a way to calculate simply the amount of equity expected to be built into your home over a certain period of time.
  5. However, an online equity release calculator is a different tool in that it can calculate how much equity one could potentially release from their property. An online equity release calculator UK therefore needs to work out the maximum amount an equity release mortgage provider could potentially afford to lend, based on the expected term of the loan, and the value of your home.
  6. A free equity release calculator is therefore likely to require some basic information about you and your property in order to provide such a calculation. This includes, the age of the youngest enquirer and the current valuation of the property. The free equity release calculator can use this information and based on its database of equity release plans available, can give you a fairly good idea of the maximum release available to you.
  7. An equity release calculator is an application designed specifically to calculate maximum potential release of equity, but there are many other financial tools designed to calculate different things. For instance, there are mortgage repayment calculators that, based on the loan amount, the rate of interest, and term of the loan can calculate how much your payments will be.
  8. There is also a general lifetime mortgage calculator based on the age and income of the enquirer which can work out how much they could potentially borrow. Newer calculus allows some more advanced equity release brokerage’s to offer the interest only mortgage calculator which requires slightly more information such as income details, and details of any adverse credit, in order to ascertain eligibility.
  9. A lifetime mortgage calculator is therefore just one of the many calculation tools available today within the mortgage sector. Depending on what type of application you are using, you may be needed to enter different information relating to your age, health and property, which is relevant to that particular calculation.
  10. Home equity loans provide one of the key retirement solutions to happiness in retirement. There are different borrowing allowances from all the equity release companies, therefore always consult a home loans specialist who can advise on the many forms of home equity mortgages available.
  11. Home reversion equity release plans involve selling a proportion of your home to the equity release lender. There are no monthly repayments with home reversion plans, and the entire amount is recovered when the house is sold, when the proportional share of the equity goes to the lender.
  12. All equity release plans today come with a no negative equity guarantee, which means that your beneficiaries never have to pay anything to the lender even if the equity release loan gets bigger than the property value. This no negative equity guarantee is provided free of charge by the equity release companies, however it is costed into the overall costs and charges of the plan. Should the guarantee not be provided however, the interest rates would be lower on equity release schemes. Therefore any implication of it being free is not entirely true.
  13. Equity release plans are regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and the Equity Release Council (ERC) is the industry trade body that represents everyone that works in the sector, including qualified advisers, providers, lawyers, solicitors etc. Membership of the FCA is mandatory as they provide the licence upon which advisers are able to provide equity release advice. However, membership of the Equity Release Council is not mandatory for advisers or solicitors, however it is for the mortgage providers who offer lifetime mortgage & home reversion products.
  14. Recent research has shown that over 80% of the country’s wealth belongs to people over the age of 60, with over £1 trillion in untapped equity. It also shows that many homeowners over the age of 60 have cash flow problems, and are in fact unable to meet their daily costs. The simple equation for their key retirement solutions lies in the equity tied up in their home. Equity release schemes therefore provides one type of solution, however many such as downsizing property still remain & consequently should always be considered.
  15. According to a recent study by the leading charity Age UK, the two most common ways that people were using their released equity were – home repair or maintenance projects at 46% and paying off existing debts at 35%. Following this statistic come the other lesser reasons to release equity in retirement. These would include holidays, new car, caravan, holiday home, financial assistance for the children, long-term care costs or to create an emergency fund in the bank.
  16. Equity release plans have become increasingly popular after the Financial Services Authority (now FCA) started regulating the equity release sector. This initially started with the regulation of lifetime mortgages in 2004, which later then incorporated home reversion plans from April 2007. All advisers practicing in equity release must have the appropriate qualifications either through the CII (The Chartered Insurance Institute) or the IFS (Institute of Financial Services).
  17. There are a number of independent and comparison websites that offer qualified advice about equity release products, and help users understand which equity release plan could suit them best. Search engines, such as Google, Bing or Yahoo will help you search for any related equity release information needed to enable you to conduct your own research. However, even if you decide which equity release scheme you require you would be unable to go direct to the lender as plans can only be completed by qualified advisers. This offers protection to the lenders to ensure the correct plan is taken out.
  18. The latest type of new equity release mortgage to be invented is the enhanced lifetime mortgage where health can affect the maximum loan you can borrow. Therefore, equity release underwriters assess an enhanced lifetime mortgage as they do with an enhanced annuity plan where a health and lifestyle questionnaire is completed. Depending on the answers & severity of the health conditions, will determine the amount they will lend out. Simply put, the worse the state of health, the greater the maximum release.

There are many facts on equity release offering more concepts for key retirement solutions, as well as about how and why equity release plans have become so popular recently. They also talk about different types of equity release plans that are currently available. For more information visit independent advice websites or consult a qualified equity release adviser.


What Criteria is Required for a Home Equity Calculator?

What Criteria is Required for a Home Equity Calculator?

A home equity loan calculator can be useful to find out how much equity will be built into your home after a certain period of time over the short and long-term. An equity calculator can be useful in a variety of scenarios and is available on a number of financial, comparison and advice websites. A home equity calculator is not the same as an equity release calculator and is designed to give you a slightly different information calculus.

A home equity calculator will need some basic information about your property, including the current value of the property, its location, and the yearly rise and fall in the property, in order to work out the equity built into your home. A home equity calculator is therefore a way to calculate simply the amount of equity expected to be built into your home over a certain period of time.

Online equity release calculators

However, an online equity release calculator is a different tool in that it can calculate how much equity one could potentially release from their property. An online equity release calculator therefore needs to work out the maximum amount an equity release mortgage provider could potentially afford to lend, based on the expected term of the loan, and the value of your home.

An equity release calculator is therefore likely to require some basic information about you and your property in order to provide such a calculation. This includes, the age of the youngest enquirer and the current valuation of the property. The calculator can use this information and based on its database of equity release plans available, can give you a fairly good idea of the maximum release available to you.

An equity release calculator is an application designed specifically to calculate maximum potential release of equity, but there are many other financial tools designed to calculate different things. For instance, there are mortgage repayment calculators that, based on the loan amount, the rate of interest, and term of the loan can calculate how much your payments will be.

There is also a general lifetime mortgage calculator based on the age and income of the enquirer which can work out how much they could potentially borrow. Newer calculus allows some more advanced equity release brokerage’s to offer the interest only mortgage calculator which requires slightly more information such as income details, and details of any adverse credit, in order to ascertain eligibility.

An equity release calculator is therefore just one of the many calculation tools available today within the mortgage sector. Depending on what type of application you are using, you may be needed to enter different information relating to your age, health and property, which is relevant to that particular calculation.

With home loans equity is key to the borrowing allowance, therefore always consult a home loans specialist who can advise on the many forms of home equity mortgages available.


What is the Formula for a Home Reversion Plan Calculator?

What is the Formula for a Home Reversion Plan Calculation?

Equity release schemes have seen a massive surge in popularity in recent years with figures continuing to rise in 2013. Year to date figures for October shows there has been over £800 million of new equity release funds released, and is set to reach an all-time high of possibly £1 billion by year-end.

This will be a landmark for the equity release industry after years of care in building its reputation through regulation, financial advice and more innovation in product design from the equity release companies themselves. The main growth area in the types of equity release schemes available has been in the field of lifetime mortgage schemes market. Nevertheless, it is the home reversion plans the London equity release mortgage market has to thank. For this is how back in the 1960’s when the former property equity release schemes were invented.

Why the decline in home reversion sales?

Home reversion schemes in comparison to lifetime mortgages have not seen much change in design or structure since their inception. In fact less than 1% of all equity release schemes written in Q3 of 2013 were a home reversion plan! So what is the reason for their significant decline? One word – Flexibility.

Within the equity release sector, there have been products such as home reversion plans that have lost out to other more flexible and secure options that are now becoming available. Flexible terms of lending such as new interest only lifetime mortgages and the enhanced lifetime mortgage UK are now more popular & freely available. Where a release of equity is necessary and advice is required more than 9 times out of 10 advisers will favour lifetime mortgages & for this reason they have effectively made home reversion plans near obsolete.

After all, demand creates supply, and there seems to be little demand for home reversion schemes on the whole. This is perhaps the reason why several companies that used to have a home reversion calculator have now withdrawn the application from their website.

Where can I find a home reversion calculator?

Old home reversion companies of the past had tools such as a home reversion plan calculator which could help people over the age of 65 assess the maximum they could borrow. Two such companies were Retirement Plus of which they provided the data for companies like Equity Release Supermarket to use on their own website.

Alas when Retirement Plus withdrew their hybrid home reversion/lifetime mortgage plan these calculators were pulled. Unfortunately this left a void in the market. More recently Bridgewater have provided a home reversion calculator for advisers to use, but is also accessible to the general public to use with the right-click!

There are some specific reasons for this decline in popularity. The first reason probably is that home reversion involves selling a part of your home, and not many people are comfortable with that thought. The main advantage of home reversion was that it involved no repayment over the loan term; however, with the arrival of flexible new interest only lifetime mortgages home reversion no longer offers something unique.

Advantages and disadvantages of home reversion plans UK

Another reason is perhaps that home reversion involves this selling a part of house at a highly discounted price, so that you not only lose out on the market value when you start the plan, but also do not benefit from any property price rise on that percentage of the equity when the house is finally sold.

Another significant drawback of home reversion plans is that in case you die early and the plan ends, you potentially lose a valuable chunk of your property in exchange for a highly subsidised price. This can be a big risk for your beneficiaries. But with certain new lifetime mortgages, you can get guaranteed inheritance protection in case of early closure, which is a significant improvement.

Home reversion plans are still very much available however, so there are clearly some advantages to these schemes and they suit some clients. They do offer a large lump sum release, there are no monthly repayments to be made, and by selling only a small portion of the home, you can still protect any inheritance you may wish to leave behind. However, enhanced lifetime mortgages available today can surpass the release allowed by home reversion schemes, and still allow you to retain full ownership of your home.

Home reversion summarised

Companies such as Retirement Plus, Aviva, Home and Capital, and Partnership did offer enhanced home reversion plans, which seem to have now been withdrawn. As stated historically, several reversion companies had home reversion calculators on their websites, but with the decline in demand for these schemes and the availability of new more flexible lifetime mortgages, it is difficult to find a home reversion plan calculator today.

However, the home reversion plan in the UK is not dead & buried and still must have a part to play in the overall equity release advice service offered by any qualified adviser.

You can calculator standard results on the best home reversion deals by visiting specialist equity release broker websites such as –


What About Life Before the Equity Release Calculator?

What about life before the Equity Release Calculator?

The growing popularity of equity release schemes has driven a sea of change in the world of retirement mortgages. For one, increases in demand from customers has led to more flexible, innovative and secure equity release solutions being developed all the time. As more and more players enter the market, there has also been an increase in the number of comparison and information websites whom themselves are innovating to provide new tools to help in conducting equity release research.

One of these latest tools is the equity release calculator which was once a novel tool offered only by pioneering websites like Equity Release Supermarket. Today however, the equity release calculator has become a common sight and very common across the marketplace.

What is an equity release calculator?

An equity release calculator is a highly useful application as it allows users to get a fairly good idea of how much you can borrow from the whole of the equity release market. Useful as it is, though, it is a fairly recent development. Prior to the availability of this simple tool, the only way for potential clients to find out the maximum release available on any particular plan would be to contact the equity release provider either by phone, or in person!

This seemed like an awfully tedious way to find out something that could be calculated rather quickly based on a few simple facts. Companies like Equity Release Supermarket therefore invested in a simple application that, once users entered certain basic facts such as age and property value, could calculate maximum borrowing based on a simple algorithm used by equity release companies to calculate borrowing. This application provided the client with the equity release calculation upon which they could base their spending plans.

Today, numerous websites have an equity release calculator. While this is a good thing that enables users to quickly find out maximum borrowing, equity release calculators are now also being used as a form of marketing or advertising to attract potential customers by only promoting certain equity release plans over others. The point of an equity release calculator is to provide a functional and entirely unbiased tool for users to work out the maximum average amount they could release. And the role of equity release comparison websites is to provide impartial information and objective advice about the different options available.

Using an equity release calculator as a marketing ploy seems not only to compromise the ethics behind providing impartial advice and information on websites, but also undermines the entire point of offering such a calculation application to users.

Nevertheless, the fact is that the equity release calculator offered by reputable comparison sites has provided a hassle free and quick way for users to calculate maximum borrowing from an equity release plan. This can form part of the initial equity release research into lifetime mortgage schemes and act as an in-road into preliminary discussions with your lifetime mortgage adviser.

For further information on how to calculate the maximum equity release lump sum call the Equity Release Supermarket lifetime mortgage department on Freephone 0800 678 5159.


What Facts Exist About Interest Only Lifetime Mortgage Calculators?

The Facts – Interest Only Lifetime Mortgage Calculators

An lifetime interest only mortgage calculator can be used to establish the maximum release possible from an ever increasingly popular type of equity release mortgage plan.

To recap, a lifetime interest only mortgage is a type of equity release scheme where you can actually make monthly or ad-hoc interest repayments. The principle loan amount does not need to be repaid each month and is only recovered at the end of the mortgage term, which is at the end of life, or when you move into permanent long-term care. At this point the property is sold, and the lender recovers the balance which usually should be within a 12 month period.

Interest only lifetime mortgages are becoming an increasingly popular type of equity release scheme due to the increasingly savvy over 55-year-old age group. Having grown up with a lifetime of mortgage debt, baby boomers reaching retirement now have much experience in how to manage mortgage debt & the associated monthly payments. Therefore, why when one gets to retirement why should this potential form of finance be pulled from their resources?

How does the interest only lifetime mortgage work?

Since you only need to repay the interest, these interest only lifetime mortgages work out to be more affordable for many people than regular residential mortgages. Another important factor that contributes to their popularity is that providing you make regular and full interest payments each month, the final balance on an interest only lifetime mortgage can remain level throughout the term of the loan. Great news for the kids!

Interest only lifetime mortgages, like regular equity release schemes, have no fixed term and involve no capital repayment. As such, the interest only calculations that decide the feasibility of such mortgages are quite different from regular equity release mortgages. As with any equity release plan or mortgage, there are certain fixed eligibility criteria for interest only lifetime mortgages with respect to age, valuation of property and affordability. These are the factors which are used to underwrite a loan of this type. While there are a number of websites offering equity release calculators, interest only lifetime mortgage calculators are only featured by companies offering niche products and advice who can invest in a specialist application such as this.

Interest only lifetime mortgage rates

An interest only lifetime mortgage calculator allows you to work out how much your mortgage would cost you, based on relevant variables including your age, property value, loan requirement, single or joint application and affordability of the applicants. The older you become the more you can borrow on the schemes with a maximum release of 50% of the property value. There are currently four providers in the market which offer interest only lifetime mortgages. These are Stonehaven, Hodge Lifetime, Holmesdale Building Society, and more2life. Obviously, each company has its own lending criteria, including minimum age for single applicants, joint applicants, minimum property value, minimum monthly payment, and each lifetime mortgage has different rates of interest starting from just 4.75% (5.1% APR) which is the Hodge Retirement Mortgage Plan.

The current minimum applicant age for Stonehaven, Hodge Lifetime and more2life interest only lifetime mortgages is 55 years, with a minimum property valuation starting from £70,000. The minimum age is 70 years for the Holmesdale Building Society lifetime mortgage. Since these are the set criteria for the mortgages, these also apply to their interest only lifetime mortgage calculators.

So, if you are looking into the possibility of equity release don’t always assume that your only option is a roll-up lifetime mortgage scheme. Has your adviser even asked whether you would like to make some form of monthly repayments? In fact Stonehaven & more2life even allow you to set your on monthly payment from as little as £25pm which helps fit in with monthly budgets. Remember to sit back & take stock before deciding.

Seek ALL available options as many people are these days are considering interest only lifetime mortgages or a retirement mortgage more commonly. If unsure & would like advice on your interest only lifetime mortgage options call 0800 471 4796.


What are the Implications in Taking Maximum Cash from an Equity Release Calculator UK?

Implications of Taking the Maximum Lump Sum from an Equity Release Calculator UK

To understand the implications of borrowing the maximum amount that the results an equity release mortgage calculator UK give you, it is necessary to understand what an equity release does, as well as to understand how borrowing more than you need can be potentially risky.

Although equity release plans have become much safer today than many years ago, there are potential equity release problems that everyone should be aware of before releasing equity. This must always be discussed and the dangers be highlighted before pressing the buttons of the equity release mortgage calculator UK tool.

One of the most common concerns or equity release problems that people have with equity release is that the scheme could potentially erode all the value of their property, thereby affecting any inheritance they may wish to leave behind. This can be a concern for some, but not for all & therefore it is the duty of your financial adviser to establish these steps with you.

Years ago, there was also the possibility of negative equity where the beneficiaries could have to end up paying the equity release provider due to a loan that had grown bigger than the equity in the house. Today, however, this is not a possibility as all equity release plans now come under the auspices of the Equity Release Council (formerly Safe Home Income Plans –SHIP) which means they come with a no negative equity guarantee. This is kind of indemnity policy for the lender which guarantees that the beneficiaries cannot end up owing more than the value of the property. The worst case scenario is that they will receive nothing if the mortgage balance is equal to or more than the value of the property.

An equity release calculator UK can help you find out the current maximum amount available in the market that you could be able to release from your property. As such, equity release calculators give you an idea of the maximum amount of money that you could release, which is not the same as the amount you necessarily should release!

Nonsensical reasons to release equity

Releasing the maximum equity from your property when you don’t really need all the money could result in one of the most common equity release problems – complete devaluation in the equity within your property. It will mean that if the money isn’t needed just yet it will probably sit in your bank account, earning next to no interest, while you will have to pay interest on the amount to the equity release lender! The average rate of interest on roll up equity release schemes today is around 6%, whilst even the best ISA rates are little over 3%. Therefore, taking the maximum release when not fully required, is poor financial planning.

A roll up equity release plan works on the principle of compound interest. This means that the interest charged on the balance is added to the principle amount and interest is charged on the combined amount, and so the cycle continues. This means that with interest rates of around 6%, the balance on your account could potentially double in about 11 years! Care & precise financial planning are important to gauge the sensible level of borrowing should these schemes be the best option for you.

Delay for as long as possible

With this factor in mind, age can also be an important consideration in how much you take & when. We have just seen the projected equity release calculation for a UK customer. Taking equity release at age 55 will have a potentially longer term to run based on life expectancy than someone of 80 years of age. Therefore, more caution should be exhibited when applying for equity release schemes at a younger retirement age. Preferably, anyone considering equity release at age 55 should try & delay if possible to age 60 before taking a release of equity.

Releasing the maximum that an equity release calculator UK shows you may be useful and necessary for some, but it also has its dangers and can lead to some common equity release problems and bad press!

As illustrated above, it could potentially increase the debt disproportionately, erode your estate and encroach on your beneficiary’s inheritance. It is important to fully understand all the implications of an equity release plan. A qualified equity release adviser can explain the terms and consequences of each option and help you make the right decision.

NB. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if now isn’t the right time, or reason to do it.


What are the Top 5 Equity Release Calculators?

Review of the Top 5 Equity Release Calculators

A good equity release calculator is one that is free, simple to use, transparent and offers impartial results. While there are numerous websites offering equity release calculators, only a good and truly objective calculator can help you get a fair idea of how much you could release. Here’s a list of the top 5 equity release calculators available today: –

1. Equity Release Supermarket – are one of the original independent equity release companies offering advice and guidance about the different equity release schemes available in the UK. In fact, this was one of the first websites to develop the basis of the equity release calculator for users to calculate the maximum release. The calculator itself is simple to use, well designed and gives quick and comprehensive results every time. Two results are published by this company, which is more than most. Equity Release Supermarket not only provides the standard maximum equity release, but also will provide the figures for an enhanced lifetime mortgage.

This means that if you have poor health you also receive a higher calculation figure which could be applicable. As always they state this is acts as a guide & should endeavour to contact their advisory service on 0800 028 3104 to obtain an accurate quotation. Equity Release Supermarket has an extensive database of providers and plans and its comparison tools let you search the entire equity release market to find the most suitable deal. Once you calculate the maximum release you are provided with the option of whether you wish to submit your details to receive further advice & ensure qualification for any of the lifetime mortgages available in the whole of the market.

Mark Gregory is their founder & can be contacted at

2. Compare Equity Release – is one of the best comparison sites in the equity release sector, offering information and guidance about all the different equity release & home reversion products currently available in the market.

The website is easy to use, well designed, with a convenient equity release calculator app that lets you answer the most important question that anyone has while considering equity release – ‘how much can you borrow?’

Compare equity release is the only website that goes one step further than providing a standard & enhanced lifetime mortgage calculation. Not only has a free lifetime mortgage calculator, but also a free interest only lifetime mortgage calculator. It is one of the few websites that compares between all available equity release plans to come up with the maximum potential release for any given age. The style of the two calculators is modern & in keeping with today’s internet savvy silver surfers. can be contacted on Freephone 0800 028 3104 or by email at

3. Equity Release Calculator – is an independent calculation website that provides useful information on all matters relative to an equity release calculator. Therefore, if you require further knowledge on how these calculators work, plus the pros and cons of an equity release calculator, then this site holds a mass of information on the subject.

The site also features many articles on the subject of how to release equity and what is equity release. So there is plenty of information abound on the calculating of the maximum equity release.

4. Equity Release2go – is a relatively new independent equity release website that offers a free equity release calculator. The website itself is simple to navigate and the calculator is easy to use if somewhat difficult to locate on the website. Additionally, have a separate section detailing the best equity release deals available including cashbacks, free valuations & reduced interest rates available to its customers.

Being a relatively new website, certain features are set to follow which given the message the site provides should be soon!

However, they can be contacted on 0800 028 3104 or by visiting their contact page here –

5. Aviva Equity Release – their equity release eligibility calculator performs many functions; qualifies your age, property value and property type. In addition you have the option of inputting an inheritance protection percentage which will affect the ultimate result.

This level of options can be afforded as the Aviva equity release calculator only works its calculations based on its own products which are the Lifestyle Flexible Option and the Aviva Lump Sum Max.

Therefore, the results shown are only relevant to Aviva’s own equity release plans & do not represent the whole of the market. If you are looking for the maximum equity release from the whole of the market there may be companies that offer larger releases of equity out there.

These are some of the most objective, impartial and easy to use equity release calculators. They are free and can offer an instant quote of the maximum release for your age and property valuation. The more established and reputable the company, the more reliable they are likely to be!